Product Descriptions

As a skilled and experienced copywriter, I have a proven track record of delivering engaging and impactful content that resonates with audiences. My writing is clear, concise, and tailored to the specific needs. I have a keen understanding of how to craft compelling messages that inspire action and drive results, whether it be increased conversions, engagement, or brand awareness. Additionally, I have a strong sense of brand voice and can effectively translate a company’s values and personality into written content. With a passion for language and a deep understanding of the power of words, I am confident in my ability to craft copy that captivates and motivates audiences. Whether it’s a sales page, blog post, or email campaign, I have conviction in my ability to create content that delivers results. Scroll down to see some of the descriptions I wrote, while working for a social enterprise that sold products made by marginalized communities.

  1. Bamboo Lamps
    Bamboo lamps are an eco-friendly and stylish lighting solution that are perfect for both homes and offices. Made from natural bamboo, these lamps provide a warm and inviting glow while being durable and long-lasting. Not only do they look great, but they are also an environmentally responsible choice, as bamboo is a sustainable resource that grows quickly and requires less water and pesticides than other crops. With their sleek and modern design, bamboo lamps are an ideal way to brighten up any room while making a statement about your commitment to sustainability. They are also easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical and low-maintenance lighting solution. Whether you’re looking for a desk lamp, floor lamp or table lamp, our collection of bamboo lamps has something for every style and need. So why wait? Invest in a sustainable and stylish lighting solution today and add a touch of elegance to your home or office with a bamboo lamp.

2) Cow-dung earrings
Cowdung earrings are a unique and eco-friendly accessory that combine traditional artistry with modern design. Made from upcycled cow dung, these earrings are a perfect blend of style and sustainability. The dung is carefully handcrafted into intricate and beautiful earring designs, making each pair a one-of-a-kind piece of art. Not only are they visually stunning, but they are also lightweight and comfortable to wear, making them perfect for everyday use. In addition to being a stylish accessory, cowdung earrings are also a responsible choice for the environment. By upcycling waste materials, they help to reduce the impact of waste on the environment and promote sustainable living. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece or a simple, everyday accessory, our collection of cowdung earrings has something for everyone. So why wait? Make a sustainable fashion statement today with a pair of cowdung earrings.

3) Scented candles made by blind children
Scented candles made by blind children are a unique and meaningful home accessory that offer a beautiful and aromatic ambiance. Handmade with care and precision, each candle is crafted by blind children as part of a program designed to promote independence and self-sufficiency. The candles are made with high-quality, natural ingredients and are available in a range of delightful scents, from fresh and floral to warm and spicy. Not only do they make a beautiful addition to any room, but they also make a powerful statement about the capabilities and potential of those with disabilities. By purchasing a scented candle made by blind children, you are not only adding a touch of warmth and fragrance to your home, but you are also supporting a great cause and helping to make a difference in the lives of children in need. So why wait? Add a touch of light and aroma to your home while making a positive impact with a scented candle made by blind children.

Is sexist humour really funny?

The announcement of Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce took the internet by storm. Expressions of disbelief and wonder soon turned into Whatsapp forwards and memes. The ‘humorous’ substratum of most of these forwards was the notion that men should be wary of ‘gold diggers’ as their hard-earned money might be at stake. Another joke was about how men shouldn’t earn such large sums of money, because if he does, wives would find the idea of alimony more appealing than the husband himself. The statement goes on to say that he ought to spend his money on himself.

Out of these problematic, bigoted statements, there’s only one part that can be deemed agreeable- the fact that patriarchy doesn’t allow men to spend money on themselves. Being the ‘providers’ of families, their desires are often pushed down the list of priorities and even when they do spend on themselves, it’s riddled with guilt. Men ought to spend on themselves guiltlessly.

Before coming to the other side of the statement, we must ask ourselves- Can wealth be measured ONLY in terms of pay-cheques? What about the decades of unpaid labor women are subjected to? It is immeasurable, the years of household chores and scrutinized budgeting that homemakers perform. More often than not, women sacrifice their entire careers solely to support their husbands’ dreams. When these ambitious men become successful, why shouldn’t their wives have a claim in it? Where is the question of financial security for these women and how will they fend for themselves incase their marriages don’t work out?

If this were the case for Mackenzie Scott and Melinda Gates, if they officially or unofficially worked towards the success of their husbands’ billion-dollar empires, is it even wrong for them to ask for monetary compensation?

These jokes could be overlooked if even a small part of them focused on how to financially empower women, rather than painting them as gold diggers. Unfortunately, the conversation is far from that. Majority of society is too busy smugly smiling to themselves while clicking the ‘forward’ button continually. Frequently, we smile along without raising our voices against these sexist, misogynistic quotidian happenings. As difficult as it might be, how much ever we convince ourselves to not speak up by thinking ‘it’s not worth the argument’, we must remind ourselves that it absolutely is!


Over the generations, patriarchy has entrenched it’s roots deep into all our minds. Whether we realise it or not, patriarchy is the fabric that weaves the very foundation of the society we live in. From the de-aligned sex ratios to victim blaming, the pernicious power structure has become so normalised that we’ve forgotten how to separate it from our perceptions.

Before you proceed any further, I’d like to tell you that there’s no ‘men-bashing’ in this little extract. It’s my disdain for patriarchy I’ve expressed here, not my disdain for men in general.

What’s urged me to type this out is a recurring trend I’ve been observing over the years when there is media outcry in response to a woman being sexually exploited. Much akin to thousands of other viewers, I seethe with rage. It’s infuriating when media houses stamp the victim’s faces across newspapers, calling her a ‘Brave Daughter of India’. The way new words like ‘Nirbhaya’ are dug up from the dictionary in order to honour her. The way concerned parents further restrict the autonomy of their daughters. What’s extremely striking though, is how the onus of the crime is NEVER placed on the perpetrator. Even the passive statements that make the headlines never shed light on what the perpetrator did and rather only talk about what ‘happened’ to the victim! Even grammatically, the sentence is skewed!

As much as propagating schemes and budgets to ‘save the girl child’ looks good on our resume as a developing country, the stark reality is far from that. The problem can never be entirely solved as long as the onus of getting exploited is placed on the victims. Progress can happen ONLY when perpetrators are held responsible for their actions!

This is exactly how patriarchy plays such an undeniable role in the sustenance of rape culture. Patriarchy authorizes men to think of women as ‘the weaker sex’, in extension, their property. The very thought of a woman having a voice of her own shakes the very core of their beliefs! Deeply embedded patriarchal ideas get subconsciously imprinted onto the minds of the naïve children who watch their mothers and sisters getting ill-treated at the ‘safe space’ that is home. As the famous saying goes, it all starts at home!

Probably the most common fallacy I’ve come across is that dispelling patriarchy benefits only women and hence, is ‘selfish’. I couldn’t disagree more- patriarchy harms men equally! It demands men be the sole earning member of the family thus putting immense pressure on him to find a lucrative job. It demands men to always put up a seemingly strong facade inspite of any emotional turbulences he might be going through. The list is endless, really.

It’s about time we shrugged off the veil of patriarchy and empowered ourselves!

‘For whom the bells toll…’

‘For whom the bells toll’ – The profundity of the phrase struck me almost immediately after reading it.
When he penned it down, Ernest Hemmingway was referring to funeral bells – and why one should never question for whom the bells ring, as, differences aside, we are all human. In extension, race,religion,caste, political stance are all to be overlooked, and when an individual dies, he is to be mourned, irrespective of all these factors.

Of course, the phrase is open to innumerable interpretation, but it reminds me of the sectarianism that exists in our society on the basis of religion. Communal violence is on the rise. As days pass by, the situation is only getting worse. The hate speeches, the lynching, the ruthless bloodshed. Here’s where the concept of secularism comes into play.
In my opinion, the word secularism has been misinterpreted the most as people use it to propagate the eradication of religion. For some reason, they think the absence of religion will solve the problem entirely. I can’t disagree more.

Fundamentally, secularism refers to the freedom to practice any religion. It dictates that every individual on the face of this planet has the right to believe, worship whichever God they want to. Since when did it start to mean ‘the only religion is peace’ or superficial nonsense like that?!

According to me, religion gives us a sense of identity; values and morals to live by. And to dissociate ourselves from it, is disassociating from our roots and who we are,fundamentally. There is absolutely nothing ‘backward’ about associating ourselves with religion, as long as we don’t become fanatics, obsessing over how our ideology is superior to someone else’s. The whole notion of an ideology being ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’ doesn’t make any sense, as there is no scale for comparison at all. They’re all completely unique.

So let’s be clear- society can be peaceful and harmonious if and only if people are allowed to practice their religion without any coercion. What does secularism mean to you?

Bangalore Nagarathnamma- the epitome of courage

The life story of Bangalore Nagarathnamma is a MUST KNOW for any Carnatic music or dance aspirant!

Just yesterday, I had the pleasure of witnessing a skit dedicated to her; a story of courage, sacrifice and inspiration. The theatrics were phenomenal, acting was immaculate, but what fascinated me the most was the valour and unshrinking attitude of Nagarathnamma.

For those of you who dont know, Bangalore Nagarathnamma was a Devadasi. A devadasi whose immense love for the art forms drove her to protect them, even when the odds were stacked against her.

Even to this day, the word ‘Devadasi’ sparks controversy. Initially, they were women who dedicated their lives to temples, to perform art forms such as dance and music. They were considered married to God and had a high social status.

The change started in colonial times. Academics dispute what the British thought of the custom, but their presence meant that kings and other patrons of temples lost their power and much of their economic influence.

So needless to say, many decades ago, she was shunned by the male-driven, misogynistic society and looked down upon.

The society was misogynistic to such an extent that the handful of women who were brave enough to perform were boycotted and humiliated , as Male accompanying artists thought it was ‘below their dignity’ to play for a woman.

There were numerous such instances where female artistes were discriminated against.

Bangalore Nagarathnamma was a woman way ahead of her time.

Her determination to bring about equality gets me contemplating on how different her attitude was , compared to the attitude of modern day feminists. Unfortunately , modern day feminists demand equal rights,but shy away from equal responsibility. In numerous cases, such as the Sabarimala case, modern day feminism has proven to be nothing but HYPOCRISY.

It’s only because of REAL feminists like Bangalore Nagarathnamma, that Carnatic music is as inclusive as it is today.

Your world and my world 🌍

Sir John Eccles, a physicist ,once said “ there is no colour in the natural world and no sound – no textures, no patterns, no beauty, no scent”

This quote left me feeling puzzled. The more I thought about it, the less sense it made. 

I understand that everyone’s perception of the world is different. The way I perceive something can be entirely different from the way someone else perceives it. 

A wooden table might seem diminutive to me, but the same table would seem gigantic to an ant. The table, which appears stationary to me, would appear to be revolving along with everything else on Earth, if I saw it from outer space. If the table is red, I can make it appear black by looking at it through green glasses. 

My point is, any detail about the table can be altered, simply by changing the perspective with which we look at it. Isn’t this the same with everything that we consider as real? When whatever we consider as objective facts upon which we base our reality is invalid, where is the question of right & wrong? Where is the question of real and unreal? 

When objective facts themselves  are so differently perceived, there is no question of how subjective factors like beauty, scent, texture etc are wildly different.

This would mean, that I can change my world just by changing my perception about it! 

There have been a lot of researches  proving that the thoughts and ideas we cherish directly impact our bodies.

For instance, it’s observed that people with higher levels of anger and hatred towards themselves wind up with more diseases and die early deaths. So it is a known fact that by changing our perception, we can change our reality! 

So what are we still waiting for? 

Am I pretty enough?

We are bombarded by stereotypes. We always have been! Society’s ideas are always injected into us, moulding us into adults with wildly inaccurate cognitions. We are blindfolded into believing that the amount of English someone speaks is a measure of their intelligence, we grow up believing that the number of zeroes in our bank balance determine our wealth, and we even go to the extent of believing that success is solely name and fame.

People are of a general opinion that India became completely free from the clutches of the British in 1947 . However, I beg to differ. So many British ideologies still influence our thinking to this day. One of these ideologies is the fallacy that fairness is beauty. Unfortunately to this day, majority of the Indian population struggles with the ‘fair skin complex’ . Conveniently enough, cosmetic brands make a profit from our self hatred.

At some point or the other in our lives, we find ourselves questioning; are we as flawless as the Barbie dolls we grow up playing with ? Is our hair as flawless as the models in advertisements? Are we as skinny as the actresses flaunting their bodies on TV? And is our skin as fair as the women who appear in fair skin commercials?

Personally, I always grew up wanting to be more fair, thinner(even though I wasn’t really overweight) and beautiful. At that point, society constantly repeated that God created everyone perfectly, and that I looked fine the way I was , that I needed to love myself and have high self esteem, be confident. However, there was only one problem. Society didn’t tell me HOW to do so.

After all, what is beauty? If it means being fair, does that mean all fair skinned people are beautiful and all dark skinned people are ugly? NO! If according to you the ideal beauty means having long hair, does that imply all short haired people are ugly? Of course not. If you actually give it some thought, you will come to the understanding that beauty doesn’t have a scale! Beauty can’t be measured in any way . There is NO ‘ideal’ beauty which exists. But the cosmetic industry continuously creates the concept of beauty and keeps it alive. So this new cognition makes us reprimand ourselves, what are we really comparing ourselves to?

A person becomes beautiful ONLY when they love themselves not because they fit into society’s idea of beauty, but when they express their own, unique type of beauty, which is incomparable to anyone else!

As a passionate, aspiring photographer, I’ve been going around, capturing unconventional ideas of beauty to break societal stereotypes and empower people to feel gorgeous in their own skin!

Be sure to like and follow these pages:

He who steals must steal no longer…

Carnatic music is one among the greatest treasures of South India and which is being performed since several millennia.  Carnatic classical music originated from the Sama Veda. Historically, this form of music is known to be the among the easiest way of connecting with the Divine, owing to the fact that Bhakti is known to be its driving force.

To this day, several enlightened masters who contributed the most to Carnatic music are remembered, respected, quoted by all Carnatic musicians and musicologists alike.  Among the stalwarts, were the Trinity of Carnatic music, consisting of shri.Thyagaraja Swamigal, shri.Shyama Shastri and shri.Muthuswami Dikshithar.

Now, I want to bring to your attention something horrific that has been happening in the world of Carnatic music, the last few months. For those of you who don’t already know, a few Carnatic musicians have been misappropriating  Kritis and other works associated with pure form of Carnatic music, plagiarising and presenting them in praise of other religions.  It is obvious that they are doing this to showcase themselves as being “secular” and have taken it upon themselves to ‘bridge the gap’ between religions.  Now, you might wonder, what’s wrong with this ? What’s the worst that could happen if a few words are edited, here and there ?

Well, lets be very clear in the fact that there is a VAST difference between appropriation and appreciation. Carnatic music in its original form is meant for the entire world to enjoy and this is irrespective of peoples’ race, religions, caste and creed. It’s meant to be shared with the whole world, for the whole world to experience the ecstasy of Bhakthi.  However, misappropriating the lyrics from Krishna to Jesus is unacceptable and such acts of plagiarism hurts the sentiments of thousands of Hindus world over. Such an act is as good as one Nation stealing the National Anthem of another Nation !

Currently, Carnatic music has become the newest platform for the intellectual recolonisation of India and is leading towards degeneration of Hindu culture in particular.  Hence we need to WAKE UP before it is too late.  At this rate, in about 100 years, future generations of Hindus will be made to believe that these Kritis and Compositions are based on the bible !

I urge you to read the above link, where a presstitute, Krupa GE, makes atrocious statements about how Cristian Carnatic music is already an ‘established genre’ of music. As an aspiring Carnatic musician, it boils my blood to see how Carnatic music is being ruthlessly plagiarised and then flippantly justified, without any respect or credit being given to the creators of this divine form of music.

As sacred sentiments were hurt, Carnatic musicians who had taken part in this horrendous activity received back lash to which T.M Krishna (a musician) called it ‘communalism’

As a practicing Hindu, I wanted to point out that in NO way do we cherish hatred towards any other religious group or anyone . After all, Hinduism states ‘ Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavanthu’ , which is a blessing for the entire world, saying ‘let the whole world be happy as everyone is an extension of me.’

So in essence, please don’t strip any Hindu practice of its originality, irrespective of whether it’s Carnatic music or even Yoga.  Learn and practise these in its original form only.

You are worth fighting for!!

Dear friend
I know that you don’t want to hear this. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times before. That life gets easier, that everything becomes better, that you need to give it time for the mess around you to settle down.

I know that you dont believe it’s true. After all, how could it be? Each day, you struggle to get out of bed and to silence your demons and insecurities, each day, you try to hide from the hell you are put through. I know that you’ve hurt yourself, starved yourself and have even tried to numb yourself. I know that all your efforts were in vain and that you’re exhausted.

But look at you, you’re still alive. Fighting against all the odds that threaten to swallow you. You are stronger than you believe, you still wear the mask of smile despite the growing sorrow within, you’re still breathing the same air as me.

Listen to me, please.
Your heart and body was not made for this. It wasn’t made for being tired or for being sad. You were made to burn as bright as the stars you came from.You’re made of great dreams that will come true one day.

Hold on.

I know that it is unfair of me to ask of this Herculean task. It’s true that I don’t know you. But I do know something about you. I know that right now, you would rather leave than live.

But I’m asking you to stay in this senseless now so that you can enjoy the blindingly beautiful then. It is a place where your hopes and aspirations live.
You’ll fall in love with living. With the breath taking sunsets that are yet to be painted on the evening sky. With the food that you’ve yet to taste and to the places you will visit, with the grass nestled between your toes. With the breeze gently ruffling your hair and with the sun warming your face.
Cry. Get angry. Scream into a pillow. But also, call someone who loves you. Let us share your burden and battle your demons together.

Remember, you can never be violated !
You are loved. Help can be found because, you’re worth fighting for 💖

Eat beans, not beings :)

The scorching summer heat has been getting to all of us. As years pass, our planet keeps becoming warmer at an alarming rate as an effect of global warming. The Earth’s carbon footprint has been drastically rising. Something momentous has to be done, or there won’t be a planet for us to live in, at a later stage. This might sound like a fourth grade EVS class, but let me tell you the catastrophic consequences of the increasing carbon footprint. Firstly, the overall temperature increases. There becomes shrinking water supply( various manufacturers have already hinted at this) , devastating changes in crop yield due to decreased precipitation, and the list goes on.

Now, let me reveal to you something you don’t already know. I bet you didn’t know that a staggering 50% of the carbon footprint is caused due to consumption of meat! Don’t believe me? Click on this link to read the statistics.

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Let’s face it, hypothetically, if the entire world turns vegetarian, we could produce food for 3 billion more people without trashing the Planet’s resources. You all are probably quite used to hearing how eating meat is unethical, violent and cruel to animals. There are numerous documentaries of how animals are tortured before being killed and served on your plate for dinner.

Understand, absolutely NO animal whatsoever, is slaughtered feeling blissful or joyful. When they’re on their death bed, they’re crippled by fear and agony. Do you really think they bless the world before being ruthlessly murdered? Definitely not! When these pitiful animals undergo this trauma, their bodies releases hormones accordingly, which are stored in their bodies (Similar to how our bodies release adrenaline when we are scared). Unfortunately, humans fail to understand that, and ignorantly indulge in eating these bodies, unknowingly consuming all the agonic hormones which are stored there. So be very clear, next time you’re about to eat meat, ask yourself if you really, truly want to eat a plateful of depression.

Apart from the societal convention, are you aware of the effects of meat eating on your consciousness ?
Whether you’re familiar with it or not, deep inside each and every one of us, lies our latent, potential energy, called Kundalini energy.

However, even the remote possibility of any spiritual awakening is not possible with a non vegetarian diet. In order to experience great truths like Advaitha, one has to constantly keep aligning themselves to the cognition that everyone and everything is an extension of them, and so accordingly, there isn’t even an ounce of violence towards other beings, leave alone slaughtering them.

In order to have a better understanding about how we ARE what we eat, and how what we eat determines the quality of life.

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